Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year: New Beginnings

One of my favorite things: New Year New Beginnings. Good or bad, happy or sad, every year ends, and we get a kind of do over. Didn’t lose weight last year? Do-over. Need to get fit? Do-over.

As a Christian, the new year is exciting for me, because I get another chance to finish what I did not finish, procrastinated through, or simply did not start last year. Each new year reminds me that as long as I breathe, there is hope.

This year, I will:
  • Start playing the guitar. I already cut my nails.
  • Put my poetry together and publish an eBook. 
  • Read my daily devotional every day. (Even if I read it before I go to sleep, because I get up too late) 
  • I am going to exercise at least four days a week, and make sure I walk and move each day. This means I park farther away from the store, stop piling things at the bottom of the stairs until the pile is so large I almost fall taking it upstairs, and stop piling things in front of my basement door. Those trips up and down the stairs improve my balance, work my lower half, and get my heart pumping.
What is your do-over going to be?