Friday, June 29, 2012

Religion or relationship-stunning definition

I heard a stunning definition of religion. Religion is man's interpretation of how to please God. The more I thought about this, the more I understood. This is why there are so many different denominations and ways to follow Jesus. Each branch has a root in the Word, and trys to create a roadmap to reach God.

I also heard the definition of relationship. Relationship is what God wants with His people. Relationship is a covenenat between God and me in which each of us commits to the other, and pledges to give all we have to each other and to the generations that belong to us.

I really don't have anything to give to God, but as I develop in our covenant relationship, I am increased, enlarged, and enabled to give to those whom God also has covenant with.

Honestly, in a true covenant relationship, God is well able to lead us in His direction as we give ourselves over to Him.

God always care for us

God always cares for us. God always amazes me. I have been out of a job for nine months, submitting as many as sixteen applications a day, getting some interviews, but no offers. After a certain age, employers are reticent to hire a person, health costs are too expensive, and they can get younger people cheaper.

Now here's my favorite: BUT GOD...... I recevied a phone call from a company owner who found me on Monster, and now I have a job. I did nothing to get this job, the job came to me.

This is how it is with God. We have really nothing to offer, only sin, bad attitudes, broken spirits, sad lives, pride, etc. But God says "That's okay. I have everything. I love you, and, because I love you, this is an even trade. Your trust for my love."